Seedballs - Wildflower Mix for Bees & Butterflies
A simpler way to grow from seed, and giving a boost to pollinators visiting your garden.
The seeds are mixed with clay, peat-free compost and chilli powder, (deters slugs and birds), to form a protective casing.
Simply scatter on top of soil or compost in your garden, pot or window box, water and let nature do the rest.
Each ball contains around 20 seeds, including foxglove, Viper's bugloss, yarrow, purple loosestrife, musk mallow, Birdsfoot trefoil, red clover, wild marjoram, forget-me-not, red campion, and each tin contains twenty seedballs.
20 seedballs is enough for one square metre of ground, or 3 medium sized patio containers.
Full growing and care instructions are included. Successful germination will depend on growing conditions.
Also available in matchboxes of 7 Seedballs- ideal as favours.